Problem Focused Coping to Overcome Various Stressful Events

Life of each human being is always accompanied by stress. There are different kinds of stress and some of them may really surprise you. For instance, if you get married and are really happy it still counts as a kind of stress. Though it is a pleasure and happiness, you live through a huge emotional upheaval. Therefore, all events bring emotional changes that reflect on our mood. Life is stressing itself and it is necessary to learn the problem focused coping strategies in order to remain stable.

A problem focused coping strategy is a special psychological technique that helps to overcome stress, changing the common behavior. At times, it is needed to change only some habits in your lifestyle. However, there exist such situations when a person requires a rapid and remarkable alteration of the common way of living. This brings a lot of benefits. The actions of this technique are targeted at environment or the self. It helps to withstand and eliminate stressors.

You should know that psychologists identify three main stress management strategies that help to overcome unwanted nervous pressure. These are:

  • Problem focused coping. This method is aimed at the modification and change of persons’ behavior. For instance, there may be a tension in relationships between spouses. A person undertakes an activity, which was not common previously but is important for the second part.
  • Appraisal focused coping. This technique is targeted at the alteration of the mindset. For example, denial is widely used in this method. It is commonly used when there is no obvious possibility to solve a problem. You shouldn’t change your behavior but simply modify it.
  • Emotion focused coping quizlet. This technique should decrease negativism, which is related to fear, anxiety, depressive behavior, frustration and similar conditions. This method alters the emotions of an individual so that he or she could endure stress or fully eliminate its signs. The success can be reached with the help of yoga, meditations, religion, exercises and so on. At times, the administration of psychoactive drugs also helps.

After you have determined the list of coping strategies, you may pick up one of them that suits you most and try to overcome your problems. It should be added that it would be better to consult a specialist in this sphere to define the most efficacious way of treatment.

As you can see, the coping strategies definition for each technique is different. Still, each type has its own advantages and can help to withstand different kinds of stress caused by various reasons.

How to Cope with Stress Using Different Strategies

Coping strategies for stress psychology are efficacious and pretty reliable. Each strategy can bring a lot of dividends. One should use them in accordance with the actual needs. You can try any of them because they are universal and if considering definite recommendations, you can resolve your mental complications.

While coping with stress, you are supposed to follow specific tips. The first one is to remain always positive. No matter what comes, you should constantly repeat yourself that everything is going to be fine. Negativism is destructive and does not lead to reasonable decisions.

Interaction with other people is also advised by psychologists. Don’t stay alone for too long. Come along with the dearest people who know how to encourage and inspire you. You will always be able to find support from them.

Accept the reality. Nobody is perfect and all of us make mistakes. Remember that you still have time to fix them. The possibilities will be found within you. Don’t restrict yourself. Face the mistakes you have done and try to correct them. Try not to manage all situations at once. Resolve them gradually one by one.

You should never allow stressful situations take the best of you. Be focused and disciplined. Deal with success, which is another power contributor to resolve your mental issues. Become a conqueror, not a loser and you will enjoy the desired victory.

Life becomes much easier if trying a problem focused coping. The evidence shows that this method is effective and dependable. Fitting it in accordance with your problems, you can overcome any sort of stress without unwanted complications.


  1. Nugent, Pam M.S. (2013), Problem-Focused Coping.
  2. Sarah Mae, Sincero (2012), Stress and Coping Mechanisms.
  3. Howard, Farkas (2012), When Willpower is Not Enough.
  4. Saul, McLeod (2015), Stress Management.
  5. Lively Green (2016), Emotion Focused and Problem Focused Strategies.


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